- BB Back Squat
- BB Bench Hip Bridge
- BB Bench Hip Bridge - Up on 2 Legs, Down on 1 Leg
- BB Bent Over Row
- BB Bent Over Row with Scap Set
- BB Box Squat
- BB Box Squat to Heel Raise
- BB Chest Press
- BB Chest Press with Scap Press
- BB Close Grip Chest Press
- BB Close Grip Underhand Bicep Curl
- BB Front Squat
- BB Hanging Clean
- BB Hanging Clean to Overhead Press
- BB Hip Bridge Glute Squeeze
- BB Hollow Hold Pullover
- BB Hollow Hold with Leg Scissors
- BB Iron Fist to Hanging Clean to Overhead Press
- BB Lunge - Alternating Step Back
- BB Lunge - Alternating Step Forward
- BB Lunge - Alternating Step Forward with Trunk Rotation
- BB Lunge - Alternating Wide Step Forward
- BB March
- BB Mini Squat
- BB Overhand Bicep Curl
- BB Overhand Curl to Overhead Press
- BB Overhead March
- BB Overhead Press
- BB Pushup - 3 and 1
- BB Pushup - Clapping
- BB Pushup - Clap and Catch
- BB Rollup to Overhead Press
- BB Seated Wrist Extension
- BB Seated Wrist Flexion
- BB Shoulder Roll to Shrug to Spine Flexion
- BB Sitting Heal and Toe Raise
- BB Sitting Heel Raise
- BB Skull Crusher
- BB Slow Clean
- BB Single Leg Squat
- BB Sit to Stand
- BB Sit Up to Overhead Iso Hold
- BB Standing Heel and Toe Raise
- BB Standing Heel Raise
- BB Standing Iron Fist
- BB Standing Iron Fist with Shoulder Roll
- BB Standing Overhead Tricep Extension
- BB Standing Weight Shift to Heel Raise
- BB Squat to Heel Raise
- BB Squat to High Knee
- BB Hollow Hold with Reverse Crunch
- BB Underhand Curl
- BB Wide Base Slow Trunk Rotations