"When I was in this sort of 'special SEAL training', you were just given a wetsuit. You don't get to try it on or pick a size, they just throw one at you while running to the surf. You're lucky if it fits. Some are too big, others are too small. I was only 5'8, 165 pounds at the time. Mine was too big. I learned to hide a roll of duct tape near my suit so I could wrap tape around my body to make it tighter. It worked pretty good for awhile, until the day I didn't have time to tape my suit. My partner and I had to do an open water swim. It was a cold southern California day. It was windy and cold. We were at a stage where we had to do the swim for time. If we didn't complete the objective in time, we were out. As soon I hit the surf, the cold water went into my wet suit and instantly froze my skin. I knew I had to stay mentally focused to complete the swim. We were on a good pace, my partner and I were doing great. We made the half turn and were headed back to shore. We were about 100 yards away from shore when I began feeling the shadow. The darkness started taking over my body. I was going into hypothermia and I was doing everything I could to stay warm, keep moving, and most importantly, get past that finish line so I didn't get kicked out. I did everything I could to just keep swimming, but I went dark. I blacked out in the water. The next thing I know. I'm waking up in a hospital bed, attached to IV lines with an oxygen tube on my face. My commanding officer standing in front of me while I regain consciousness in the hospital bed. 'Did we make the time?" The first words out of my mouth. My CO said, "You lost consciousness in the water, before you made it to shore. Your partner dragged your lifeless body across the finish line, seconds before the cutoff time. He passed, but you did not. You will have to recycle and start the program over." I took the oxygen off my face, pulled the IV line out of my arm, and said "I'm going back to training right now or you will have to kill me yourself." I'm sure I threw in a bunch of F words, but my CO looked at me, and said "Okay, you have one day of rest, then get back to work. You're still in."